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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eating Healthy!

For many of us, finding something to eat that is good and healthy can be a challenge. One of the things that I love most about summer is using my grill and finding different spices or herbs to use on the meats and vegetables that I cook. Check out these steak and chicken kabobs that we had on Memorial Day.

My simple herb garden has all of the things that I use frequently! Chives and cilantro. I love those two more than any others. There is also Morgan's cucumber plant in there on the bottom right. An herb garden can be composed of anything and be kept in or outdoors.

Right before putting on the grill. Bailey helped prepare these. We used steak, chicken, onion, peppers and brussel sprouts. Yes, brussel sprouts and my kids ate them....so proud!

Almost done! Used a little olive oil and some fresh herbs from my herb garden and some spices to season. This was a great meal! Thanks Bob for being the perfect grill master!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could come up with stuff like this!!!!!

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Andrea, you can do it! Take simple ingredients and make it work. Corn on the grill is great as well as salmon, talipa and shrimp. If you want some ideas of things, email me and I will help...laura@exercise2day.com

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