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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Positive Affirmations

Every morning I get up and find a task on my phone.  I'm reminding myself to say my daily affirmations.  Affirmations are positive phrases that serve as a reminder of what we will be when we reach our goals or to keep the negativity away.  I thought I would share a few with you that you could use to if you are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

- I am loosing weight.
- I am eating healthy foods.
- I will not overeat today.
- I will eat 3 servings of fruit today.
- My clothes look better because I am loosing weight.
- My body is my temple.
- I feel sexy when I eat healthy foods.
- I feel confident that I can lose all the weight that I want.

As you can see, you could use affirmations for so much more than just healthy living.  If you want more out of your career or other areas of your life, you can create your own phrases.  What are some examples of affirmations that you could use?


Unknown said...

love this post. something that everyone should come up with :D

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Thanks so much Kim!

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