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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

People for Bikes

I'm always looking for fun stuff and I came across this via an email that I got.  Take a look at the video.  

The video uses lights — both mounted and moving — to project colorful animations on an urban cityscape and demonstrate how bikes make life better. 

Did you know that each hour spent driving corresponds with a 6% increase in the odds of being obese so it’s easy to see how a small lifestyle adjustment, like riding a bike to work or a storejust once or a twice a month, can have a large, positive impact on health. 


If you are interested in learning more about this, visit the  peopleforbikes.org website.


Anonymous said...

I wish our city planners would keep and file this information...so our roads would be more BIKE friendly... It is scary riding a bike around here! So my husband and I rarely ride ours anymore..Not to long ago he did bike runs for charity...Shame on us... for getting out of...we just have to go thru alot to pack up bikes to find safe area...And I live in a great city..Just poor planning.
Last night on our news they had a benefit and bike ride for a rider who was struck and hit by a car!
But I will keep looking for a closer place...just very slow to change around here!
Thanks for the information!

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Maybe this is something you can share with the folks in your neighborhood or contact this org.

Lisa @FishyFaceDesigns said...

Thanks, Laura!

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