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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Meditation for Recharging

By Teigh McDonough and Gillian Marloth

This meditation totally recharges and is an antidote to depression. It enables you with the capacity and clarity to deal with life as it is. It strengthens pranic, or internal, life energy by making optimum use of the vital life force of the breath. When the prana flows through the nadis, or energy pathways, the cells of the body come alive with vitality and toxins are released.

Sit in Easy pose (shown above) with a straight spine. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, slightly below shoulder level and parallel to the ground. Close your right hand into a fist. Wrap your left hand around the right so that the fingers of the left hand are over the knuckles of the right fist. The heels of the hands should touch each other. Straighten the thumbs, extending them upward so that the sides are touching. Focus your gaze on your thumbs.

Inhale for 5 seconds, then exhale fully and hold for a count of 15 seconds. Inhale and continue the pattern. Do not retain the inhale; only the exhale.

Start with 3 to 5 minutes and build up to 11 minutes of this powerful breathing meditation. You will finish feeling grounded, energized, and refreshed.

1 comment:

Melissa Deline said...

Say Something Sweet AWARD

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You have helped me with my weight loss goals, I think you are a great person! Love chatting with you!

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