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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Working towards my goal....

I have 8 weeks to go before I hit the beach and I must admit that even thought I haven't entirely reached my goal, I am still very pleased with my progress. I am eating better and working out harder than I ever have. I know that with this combination that by the time I turn 35, just 9 weeks away, that I will have reached my goal....to be in the best shape of my adult life. I will always have room for improvement though because I don't want my journey to end with a trip or when I have a birthday for example. These are life long changes that I am making each day. They are positive changes that I am sharing with my family, friends and my community (local, faraway and online). I like the fact that I am proof that you can turn things around for yourself and am actually enjoying being able to challenge my body to do new things. I want you to know that you too, can have a healthy lifestyle and be in the best shape of your life. All you have to do is try. Start slowly and build it up to where you can challenge yourself. If you need help or guidance, I am here.

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