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Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh the Temptation of Birthday Cake....

As I am sitting here writing this, it is my oldest daughter's birthday. Everyone knows what usually happens on a birthday, you eat cake. I hate to tell her and she will not know, but cake is not an approved item on my diet. The good thing about it is that I prefer a second helping of dinner over dessert. The bad thing about it though is that we are having lasagna. It happens to be one of my favorites. How am I going to deal with such a temptation? Well, for starters, I am fixing a big salad. . Also, I'll make sure to drink a glass of water half an hour prior to my meal and I'll have one serving of my lasagna and then walk away. I have to realize that even though I might still feel like I need more to eat, that I already had a portion and that I can have an evening snack later on.

So what do you do if you would rather have the cake than a second helping? Go ahead but stick to the proper portion amount or eat less if you can. It's okay to have something like this for a treat. When making Bailey's cake, I found a box of reduced sugar cake and icing. This will really lower what we are consuming and it doesn't really taste any different. So go out, enjoy your birthday without any guilt.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'd have the cake but a small piece.thanks for the blog visit.have a great week partying.

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