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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Make it for Mom!

Mother's Day is Sunday and if you haven't had time to pick out something for your mom, I have some cool Beauty products that you can make at home for her. Using everyday ingredients from your fridge, you can make one or all of these items. Just put into a pretty jar or canister.

Pomegranate Body Scrub

1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1/2 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons oil (vegetable, avocado or sunflower)
1-2 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)

In a small bowl, combine sugar and pom seeds, and crush both with a spoon. Add oil and mix. The pomegranate will naturally scent the scrub, but if you want additional scent, add a couple drops of essential oil. Massage gently onto damp skin. There should be enough for a full body scrub. Rinse off.

Avocado Hair Mask

Half an avocado, masked
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup sweet almond oil

Combine all the ingredients and mix well into a paste. Brush on wet hair, paying special attention to the ends, and let it sit a minimum of 30 minutes while you relax. Then shampoo and condition as usual.

Honey Bath

1 cup sweet almond, olive, or sesame oil
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup liquid soap
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Place oil into a bowl, then carefully stir in remaining ingredients until fully blended. Store in a clean plastic bottle and shake before reusing. Add to running bathwater.

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