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Monday, January 4, 2010

MY Blueprint for Success

The last year has been a challenge in regards to my fitness goals. I've had some limitations which didn't allow me to always give 100% of myself and occasionally my motivation lacked. There were also times in which I did a SUPER job. Regardless, I am proud of my efforts and know that I am one step closer to achieving my goals.

I took time over the weekend and decided to write down what I consider to be "MY Blueprint for Success" and wanted to share it with you. If you haven't done anything like this, I encourage you to write down your goals and post them somewhere.

1. Exercise daily OR engage in some type of physical activity each day.

2. Eat well balanced meals and snacks.

3. Keep portions under control. Don't "eyeball" it but measure.

4. Reduce sodium consumption.

5. Set monthly goals, take before and after pics and stats.

6. Drink MORE water.

7. Check in with my Beachbody Coach/Accountability partner more often.

8. Journal my food intake and exercise routine regardless of what I do. Don't allow one meal or one day to ruin all that I have worked for.

9. Re-evaluate my fitness and nutritional goals and needs periodically.

10. No Excuses!


Carma Sez said...

One goal, which I just broke: No eating after 7:00...this is a tuffy - when there are peanut butter and pretzels beckoning..

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Some goals can really be tough to accomplish depending on our moods, outside influences, etc. If you would like, email me next time you want one. My email is laura@exercise2day.com. Maybe by having an accountability partner, you will be less likely to be tempted. Good luck and let me know if you need help with anything. :)

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Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Results may vary. Always consult your physician and/or healthcare professional before beginning any exercise and/or diet program. Any testimonials featured may have used more than one Beachbody product or extended that program to achieve their results. Any response or information given is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of a physician and/or healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercise or diet, stop and consult your physician and/or healthcare professional immediately.

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