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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meatless Monday

Earlier this week, I decided to take part in Meatless Monday. Just as you think, it's a day set aside in which I won't eat any meat. The goal of this movement is to help reduce meat consumption 15% in order to improve personal health and the health of our planet. I've VERY excited to participate in this. If you are looking for meatless alternatives, please check out the website. There are some great meal ideas listed as well as information on how you can join the movement.


Unknown said...

Hi Laura-

I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for joining the Meatless Monday movement and for your terrific post about our campaign. It really is bloggers like you who post about Meatless Monday as a strategy for reducing saturated fat and conserving our environmental resources, that helps the movement to grow exponentially.

Many bloggers think it’s fun to do weekly Meatless Monday posts, usually profiling a meatless recipe or meal, every Monday. Weekly posts really help to spread the word.

I'd love to be in more direct communication with you so we can better coordinate outreach efforts. If you're interested in doing weekly posts please email me at jlee@mondaycampaigns.org.

Thanks so much and keep up the great posts!

-Joey Lee
Executive Assistant
Meatless Monday

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Thanks so much for contacting me. I will be in touch soon!


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