Regardless of if you work outside of the home or not, it's easy to lose balance in your life. Each day, you have to ensure that the tasks on your To-Do list are to be completed as well as finding time for your family and if you're lucky enough, time for yourself.
I've developed a system for myself so that I don't lose track. I have a calendar in which I schedule all of my personal and business appointments, my workouts, my daily tasks, my girl's schedules as well as any notes about what I did for the day. I even keep track of my meals there too. I have it with me all the time so that I can reference anything I might need.
I've found by implementing this system, that life is much easier and much more balanced. I can go back and see where I'm spending time in one area over another. It can be a real eye-opener sometimes and then, I can decide where I need to make adjustments. Now, I'm not going to tell you that things always go as planned. That would make life dull, huh? But, this system does make my life easier. And, that's one things that everyone wants.
How so you try to find balance in life? Share your thoughts....I'd love to hear.
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