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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am going to walk 60 miles!

Dear Friends,

This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in Washington, DC.

I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men.   

Net proceeds from the 3-Day for the Cure fund innovative global breast cancer research and local community programs supporting education, screening and treatment. Virtually every major advance in the fight against breast cancer in the last 28 years has been impacted by a Komen for the Cure grant.

I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations.   So I need your help.   Would you please consider making a donation?   Any amount is greatly appreciated!!  Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train.  Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising webpage and make a donation. You can also call 800-996-3DAY to donate over the phone.

As the daughter of someone who is currently being treated for breast cancer as well as the numerous aunts and other family members, this is something that is VERY important to me.

Somewhere in the world, a woman dies from breast cancer every 69 seconds. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

60 miles! That's intense, but it for a good cause. Good luck to you!

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