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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sleep your way to better health

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?   Do you feel refreshed and rejuvenated when you wake up?

I have struggled with sleep this week.  Last week while out in Los Angeles and being on PST time, my body became adjusted to the time difference and now being back home and on  EST time, I feel like a walking zombie.  I'm really finding it difficult to get myself back on schedule.    
I know that this messed up scheduled is making an impact on my body.  And, if you are lacking sleep, I want you to know that it too, can affect your health and in a variety of ways.  

Sleep is so important.   You will want to aim for seven to eight hours each night.  When you combine an adequate amount of sleep along with a healthy eating plan and exercise, it will help combat stressed weight gain.  And, we all want that, right?

So you might be thinking that you can’t get more sleep.  But, I’m telling you that it is possible.  When you create a regular sleep pattern, your body will adjust to what it considers a consistent routine. Tonight, turn off the television, put down the book, get off the computer and get a few more zzzz's.  I challenge you to take the next week and try it.  YOUR body will thank you!

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