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Monday, May 2, 2011

Slow and steady wins the race....

Have you lost weight only to regain it? 

One of the most common mistakes that folks make after they lose is that they don’t continue to use the daily habits that they formed.  That’s one of the reasons that I really try to emphasize that slow and steady wins the race. 

Focus on what you are doing, each and every day.  Write it down….log your workouts in WOWY as well as what you eat in your journal. In my opinion, the quick fixes that you find in the magazines or in the ads don't work.  You won't see the long term results that you had hoped for.

Look for ways that you can incorporate healthy habits into your daily life.  There is no reason to make it out to be more complex that what it needs to be.  Sometimes the most simple things can be the most effective. 

If you find yourself struggling and not sure where to start, email me so that I can help.  I am here for you!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post... It takes along time for some of us to get the slow and steady "thing" and I am trying to remember... if you continue on with the same behavior how can you expect different results. I am really really ready to stop fooling around and making excuses for this last 10 to 15 lbs.
It's time... I keep saying tomorrow, monday I will start... and then I will wake up too late and say ok tomorrow. I have the perfect top ten list of excuses...

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Yay!!!! Glad to have you on board! :D

Move Laugh Aloha said...

Great reminder that we need to develop healthy habits to truly keep weight off and continue to live a healthy life!

Laura Kelly-Pifer said...

Thanks so much Move Laugh Aloha. You are sooo right!

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